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Class Robot Extension

This is an extension and not part of the main GoJS library. Note that the API for this class may change at any time. If you intend to use an extension in production, you should copy the code to your own source directory. Extensions can be found in the GoJS kit under the extensions (for loading via script tags),extensionsTS (UMD modules), or extensionsJSM (ES6 modules) folders. See the Extensions intro page for more information.


  • Robot

A class for simulating mouse and keyboard input.

As a special feature, this supports limited simulation of drag-and-drop between Diagrams, by setting both the sourceDiagram and targetDiagram properties on the eventprops argument of the mouseDown/mouseMove/mouseUp methods. Although InputEvent.targetDiagram is a real property, the sourceDiagram property is only used by these Robot methods.

Typical setup:

   // a shared Robot that can be used by all commands for this one Diagram
   myRobot = new Robot(myDiagram);  // defined in Robot.js

Then later:

   // Simulate a mouse drag to move a node:
   const loc = ...;  // some Point in document coordinates that is within the bounds of a node
   const options = {};  // possible settings of InputEvent, such as setting control or shift to true
   myRobot.mouseDown(loc.x, loc.y, 0, options);
   myRobot.mouseMove(loc.x + 80, loc.y + 50, 50, options);
   myRobot.mouseMove(loc.x + 20, loc.y + 100, 100, options);
   myRobot.mouseUp(loc.x + 20, loc.y + 100, 150, options);

If you want to experiment with this extension, try the Simulating Input sample.



  • Construct a robot for a given Diagram. If none is provided, a new Diagram will be created.


    Returns Robot


  • Gets or sets the Diagram associated with this Robot.


  • keyDown(keyorcode: string | number, time?: number, eventprops?: ObjectData): void
  • Simulate a key down event.


    • keyorcode: string | number
    • Optional time: number

      the timestamp of the simulated event, in milliseconds; default zero

    • Optional eventprops: ObjectData

      an optional argument providing properties for the InputEvent.

    Returns void

  • keyUp(keyorcode: string | number, time?: number, eventprops?: ObjectData): void
  • Simulate a key up event.


    • keyorcode: string | number
    • Optional time: number

      the timestamp of the simulated event, in milliseconds; default zero

    • Optional eventprops: ObjectData

      an optional argument providing properties for the InputEvent.

    Returns void

  • mouseDown(x: number, y: number, time?: number, eventprops?: ObjectData): void
  • Simulate a mouse down event.


    • x: number

      the X-coordinate of the mouse point in document coordinates.

    • y: number

      the Y-coordinate of the mouse point in document coordinates.

    • Optional time: number

      the timestamp of the simulated event, in milliseconds; default zero

    • Optional eventprops: ObjectData

      an optional argument providing properties for the InputEvent.

    Returns void

  • mouseMove(x: number, y: number, time?: number, eventprops?: ObjectData): void
  • Simulate a mouse move event.


    • x: number

      the X-coordinate of the mouse point in document coordinates.

    • y: number

      the Y-coordinate of the mouse point in document coordinates.

    • Optional time: number

      the timestamp of the simulated event, in milliseconds; default zero

    • Optional eventprops: ObjectData

      an optional argument providing properties for the InputEvent.

    Returns void

  • mouseUp(x: number, y: number, time?: number, eventprops?: ObjectData): void
  • Simulate a mouse up event.


    • x: number

      the X-coordinate of the mouse point in document coordinates.

    • y: number

      the Y-coordinate of the mouse point in document coordinates.

    • Optional time: number

      the timestamp of the simulated event, in milliseconds; default zero

    • Optional eventprops: ObjectData

      an optional argument providing properties for the InputEvent.

    Returns void

  • mouseWheel(delta: number, time?: number, eventprops?: ObjectData): void
  • Simulate a mouse wheel event.


    • delta: number

      non-zero turn

    • Optional time: number

      the timestamp of the simulated event, in milliseconds; default zero

    • Optional eventprops: ObjectData

      an optional argument providing properties for the InputEvent.

    Returns void